Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Understanding Culture and Multicultural Education Essay Example for Free

Understanding Culture and Multicultural Education Essay Culture has no standard definition but rather various definitions are existent depending on its usage. One of the many definitions of culture is that it is a system of collective ideals, behaviors, beliefs, values, and artifacts among members of a society which is passed from one generation to another. This system is utilized in the interaction of the members of a society with each other and to the rest of the world. Culture is transmitted to the younger generation through inculcation of the components of the system to the young based on what they observe in the society or group that they belong(Hanley ). Another definition of culture is that it is a process of molding the moral and intellectual faculties through education. It is also defined as a set of values, norms, beliefs, and traditions which is shared by people that belongs to the same group or organization(Culture, 2007). Culture thus is a way of life of a cluster of people. It is a summation of the acquired behavior of a group of people that separates those who belong to that group from those who do not. The existence of students from various ethnic, racial, cultural, and social-class groups in one education system lead to the emergence of a discipline that aims to solve the differences that goes along with the different backgrounds of students. This discipline is termed as multicultural education and the goal of this is to provide equal educational opportunities to students from different backgrounds. This system focuses on providing guidance to students in obtaining knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are essential in participating in a pluralistic democratic society. The things that the students will acquire through this type of discipline will enable them to interact, communicate, and negotiate effectively among people from different walks of life so that a moral and civic community that will thrive for a common good will be established(Laboratory, 2004). Multicultural education enables the students to learn and appreciate the similarities and differences of other student’s culture from their own. The materials which are utilize in multicultural education portrays the various groups realistically using not only the perspective from the person belonging to that group but perspectives of people who view a specific culture from different angles. Through this educational discipline the students are taught to value their own culture without degrading the culture of others. It promotes the acceptance of the flaws and positive attributes of one’s own culture as well as the realization that other cultures exists aside from one’s own(Multicultural Education, 2003). In multicultural education, all students are given equality in attaining the highest levels of education through implementing school policies, practices, and organization that supports this endeavor. Issues about sexism, racism, linguicism, ablism, classism, intolerance to other religions, heterosexism, and ageism are among the primary issues that are directly addressed in an institution that promotes multicultural education. The students will be able to work and interact with other students despite these issues that some of them are involved(Multicultural Education, 2003). In this education system the ethnic minority are not considered inferior to others. The people of color for example whom were victims of the then racists’ society are given equal rights to have proper education like the other students. The structure of the schools with multicultural education is reformed into a non-discriminating institution. The African American students fro example is not only taught about the history of their race but about others as well like the Asian Americans and Latino Americans. The interlinking between the races are taught to the students without bias to the white people’s history(Hanley ). Multicultural education serves as a medium for equality and social justice. It promotes not only a single culture but all the cultures of the world. Task C I already have preconceptions about the diversity in culture but my idea is somewhat generalized. I was not able to define what these differences were. Yes, I know that differences and biases exist; and these cause problems in the student’s process of obtaining knowledge. I did not know that the differences in culture encompass values, norms, beliefs, traditions, and language which I have researched. To solve the differences among students I was able to generate an idea that a multifaceted system can be implemented, and I did not know that there is a multicultural education that I capable of overcoming the differences among the students of different backgrounds. I also did not know that multicultural education has been advocated by various institutions already. My research made me aware that cultural differences and bias exist but a certain discipline which is in the form of multicultural education can be implemented to settle these differences among students. The research made me realize that culture is inculcated and passed through the latter generations by way of living. Thus if the education system promotes equality among these various cultures then students will be able to perceive that equality is a component of their cultures. The differences in language, religion, tradition, and beliefs would not matter to the students if the educators will provide an environment wherein all of these do not matter and only the desire to obtain knowledge is important. Students of various backgrounds can interact and coexist in their quest for knowledge in a harmonious way. My newly acquired understanding will help me teach in a manner that promotes the equality among my students that are from diverse cultures. I will promote the understanding of each others culture among my students. The activities that I will incorporate in my classes will serve as a medium for the learning and appreciation of the knowledge of other student’s culture aside from their own. Diversity in culture is inevitable but the quest for knowledge is the same in all the students so they deserve to have equal treatment. References Culture. (2007). Merriam-Webster Online Retrieved January 28, 2008 Hanley , M. S. The Scope of Multicultural Education. Laboratory, N. C. R. E. (2004). Multicultural Education. Learning Point Associates Retrieved January 28, 2008, from http://www. ncrel. org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/presrvce/pe3lk1. htm Multicultural Education. (2003). National Association for Multicultural Education Retrieved January 28, 2008, from http://www. nameorg. org/resolutions/definition. html

Monday, January 20, 2020

Characterization of The Duke of Ferrara in My Last Duchess by Robert Br

Characterization of The Duke of Ferrara in My Last Duchess by Robert Browning The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word "officious" during the 19th century as "eager to please; attentive, obliging." In the dramatic monologue, My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, this word describes a servant that is volunteering his service unnecessarily to the Duke of Ferrara’s wife. Although the speaker, the Duke of Ferrara, is speaking of this servant in a negative manner, he wishes his wife to be officious towards him; the Duke of Ferrara wishes to have total control. So, the Duke is both discouraging and discouraging officiousness, depending on whom it is directed. The Duke of Ferrara emphasizes his need for power and control over his wife, and demonstrates obvious signs of being a "control freak," whether it be purposefully or inadvertently, through the style of the dialogue, composition of the dialogue, and the treatment of the messenger that emphasizes the role of the listener. The poem gains the reader’s interest from the very beginning with this line: "That is my last Duche...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Olivier Panis Essay

In der film ‘Der Promise’ gibt es viele eregnisse wie kommt zwischen Sophie un Konrad, zum biespiel. An der anfang das film, konrad zi gert wann Sophie und ihre freunde geht in der Abwasserkanal. Konrad war der eignisse leute wie geht nicht in der Abwasserkanal und war bei der Deutchse Armee ertappt. Das war nur der beginne auf der probleme wie kommt zwischen Sophie und Konrad. Konrad war aufgezwungt bei ihre vater der Deutsche Armee eintreten. Konrad war ein Wandschutze. Wann Konrad der Armee verlassen hat, er ihre Ausbildung fortgesetzt. Wi hrend das Sophie fur ihr Tante arbeitet. Ihr Tante arbeitet als eine Kleider Verki uferin, fi r reich leute. Spater in das Film, Sophie und Konrad andgeordnet in Prague zu Treffen. Sie mit einander sehr gut auskommen. Sophie kleide schwanger. Aber wann der Russe Armee eindrignt Prague, dann Sophie zuri ck nach Deutschland verschwindet. Konrad besucht Sophie und ihr neue Mann, und er auch besucht ihre Kind, heisst Alex. Er war 10 jahre alt. Aber Konrad auch hat ihre eigen neue familie. Aber wir als die Beschauer, kann sehe als sie mochtet zusammen sein. Die leben aus Konrad un Sophie ist wie die leben aus Berlin. An der Anfang, Berlin war zusammen, es was nur ein Stadt heisst Berlin, aber es war abgetrennt und so war Konrad und Sophie. In der Meinung auf die groi ji hrigkeit aus der Ureinwohner, Berlin sollte als nur ein Stadt bleiben, aber die Regierung sagt als es war erforderlich. Der abgang aus Berlin auch abgesondert Sophie und Konrad.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Assigning Classroom Jobs to Teach Students Responsibility

If we want to teach children to be responsible, we have to trust them with responsibilities. Classroom jobs are an effective way to enlist students in the duties of running a classroom. You can even have them fill out a Classroom Job Application. There are many different jobs you can choose from  for use in your classroom. The First Step - Pitch Your Idea Tell the students that, soon, they will have the opportunity to apply for classroom jobs. Give them a few examples of the types of jobs that are available and watch their eyes light up as they imagine themselves as the little rulers of a certain domain of the classroom. Make it clear that when they accept a job they will have to take it very seriously, and if they do not meet their commitments they can be fired from the job. Make this announcement a few days before your plan to formally introduce the job program so that you can build anticipation. Decide on the Duties There are hundreds of things that need to be done to run a successful and efficient classroom, but only a couple dozen that you can trust the students to handle. Thus, you need to decide how many and which jobs to have available. Ideally, you should have one job for each student in your class. In classes of 20 or fewer, this will be relatively easy. If you have many more students, it will be more challenging and you may decide to have a few students without jobs at any given time. You will be rotating jobs on a regular basis, so everyone will have a chance to participate eventually. You also have to consider your own personal comfort level, the maturity level of your class, and other factors when you decide how much responsibility you ready to give your students. Use a Classroom Jobs List to get ideas for which jobs, in particular, will work in your classroom. Design an Application Using a formal job application is a fun opportunity for you to get each students commitment in writing that they will perform any job to the best of their abilities. Ask students to list their first, second, and third choice jobs.   Make the Assignments Before you assign the jobs in your classroom, hold a class meeting where you announce and describe each job, collect applications, and emphasize the importance of each and every duty. Promise to give each child his or her first or second choice job some time throughout the school year. You will need to decide and announce how often the jobs will be changing. After you assign the jobs, give each student a job description for their assignment. They will use this to learn what they need to do, so be explicit! Monitor their Job Performance Just because your students now have jobs doesnt mean you can just sit back and take it easy while they perform their duties. Watch their behavior closely. If a student is not performing the job properly, conference with him or her and tell the student exactly what you need to see in their performance. If things dont improve, it might be time to consider firing them. If their job is essential, you will need to find a replacement. Otherwise, simply give the fired student another chance during the next cycle of job assignments. Dont forget to schedule a certain time each day for the jobs to be performed.